Abuse & Energy Series – Book Three

ISBN: 978-0-9884990-4-1 •  $16.95 print
ISBN: 978-0-9884990-5-8 •  $7.99  e-book
254 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 | softcover
Category: Self-Help / Psychology / Energy
Print and e-book editions available at:

Peace & Energy

Becoming the Person You Always Could Have Been

Mariane E. Weigley, JD


Do you feel you have failed to live up to your potential?
Does childhood emotional abuse hold you back as it did for the author?
How does Energy play a part in bringing peace—to you and to our world?  

Peace & Energy describes how Mariane Weigley was raised by an authoritarian mother and the reaction an authoritarian environment can cause…Survival Mode. This kind of internal shutdown due to emotional abuse prevents you from becoming the person you always could have been.

This book, the third in a series, conveys more than Mariane’s experience. It promises Information, Validation, and Support as you strive to recognize and grow out of Survival Mode. Trusting your Intuition and understanding the Human Energy System are key.

Within these pages, you’ll find the Flashlight to guide your own journey to inner peace—the kind of transformation that can heal all of us and our world.